Get confident in the chaos

You rode the wave of the first year. Then your cute little baby turned two, and you feel like you're drowning. Your new toddler is a mess monster who happily screams "NOOO!!" and throws temper tantrums that make you want to cry, too.

You can totally do this. Arm yourself with practical parenting strategies so you don't join your child in a meltdown (though a good cry never hurts!).

toddler + preschooler

Free Resources

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    Wish baby came with instructions?
    My all-in-one program, A Motherhood Manual, is your crash course.

    signature course

    Need some hand-holding or insight into your unique situation? Our one-hour sessions will bring you clarity.


    Short, pre-recorded and in-depth, these workshops give you hands-on instruction on standalone topics.


    Ways to Work Together

    "Do your best until you can know better.
    When you know better, do better."